You can watch Painting in Paradise on
Spectrum OC16tv in Hawaii on:
Mondays: Past Episode: 10am,
New Episode 4:30pm
Wednesdays: New Episode: 10am,
New Episode: 5:30pm
Thursdays: New Episode: 11pm
Fridays: Past Episode: 10am
Saturdays: New Episode: 5pm
Sundays: New Episode: 9am,
New Episode: 11:30pm
*This show is Great for Homeschoolers
or Teachers who want their kids to
learn about Art and Natural History.
See All the Episodes by clicking on:

"Patrick Ching's Painting In Paradise" OC16 TV Show
Sponsor Information
Aloha and thank you for your consideration in sponsoring “Patrick Ching’s Painting in
Paradise” television show on Spectrum OC16. This station has a large local following and
Painting in Paradise is one of their popular shows. Below is an overview of the show and a
description of sponsorship opportunities that you can participate in to advertise your company
and support this important show.
The goal of the Painting in Paradise show is to get people excited about nature and awaken the
artist that lives in us all. The show encourages families to do art together and teachers can use it
as a fun and unique learning resource.
Each episode focuses on a subject like a Hawaiian animal. The audience learns about its history,
anatomy and cultural significance. Then they learn to draw it and get painting tips as well. The
show culminates with a review of the episode and pictures of artists’ work. Along the way there
is cartoon animation and an original song that supports the featured subject.
The show opens with a voice introduction by Jerry Santos and Music the iconic band Olomana.
Painting In Paradise runs almost daily and has done so since it began in January of 2016. It is
filmed primarily in Hawaii but also in other parts of the world in conjunction with actual art
shows and community art projects. After all, “paradise” is where we create it.
Mahalo again for being willing to explore the possibilities with me. I hope you agree on the
value that a relationship between Patrick Ching’s Painting In Paradise show and your company
can bring.
With Aloha, Patrick Ching
Host - Painting in Paradise
Aloha@PatrickChing.com (808) 271-5350

Main Sponsor $1,000 per Episode
As the Main Sponsor you get:
-Two billboards coming out of commercial breaks: “Patrick Ching’s Painting In Paradise” is brought to you by ___Your Business Name________.
-Two thirty second commercial spots in each new episode.
-Logo/ mention in all promos and in show credits.
-Your logo on print ads, web banners, and social media posts promoting our show.
-Production of commercial spots ($1,500 Value) with at least a four-month commitment.
Featured Artist Sponsorship $500 once per year
Be the Featured Artist of the episode and we'll do a five minute segment of the show featuring you and your work. We'll include your contact information during your segment of the show and in the show credits. We'll also do announcements on our social media posts about the show you are featured in.
Location Sponsor $400 per Episode
As the location Sponsor you would have the Show Introduction, Closing and Art Lessons Conducted at Your Location.
-Get a Full Screen Billboard coming out of a commercial break:
“Patrick Ching’s Painting In Paradise” is sponsored by ___Your Business________.
Commercial Sponsor $300 per Episode
As a commercial sponsor you get:
-One sixty second commercial spot in each new episode.
-Production of your commercial spot ($1,500 Value) with a six month commitment
*Painting In Paradise airs on Spectrum OC16 about 28 times per month.
Supporting Patron $20 Monthly (or an amount you choose)
Producing the Painting in Paradise TV Show is one of the most important things I do. It takes a lot of my time and funds to pay the members of our crew who make it happen.
An affordable monthly contribution would be super appreciated and your financial and moral support will help us produce shows that will support nature and artistic expression.
Continue this support as long as you wish.
*Ask About a Custom Sponsorship Package Designed Just for You.